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PS4 Jailbreaking       Thread starter PSXHAX       Start date Sep 1, 2016 at 1:39 AM       23      
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Recently PlayStation 4 developer Specter updated the PS4 Playground 3.55 successor to PS4Console v1.1, and since then he's started Specter's Development Blog to share information and progress with other developers. (y)

Thus far, there are two PS4 Dev entries which we'll link you to below:
Here are some recent Tweets from SpecterDev also:

PS4 Dev 2016.jpg


@oneman123 I couldn't find any such ftp payload

@PSXHAX thanks, I found that Tiny PS4 shell worked with telnet self2elf for sprx files, it spat out a new file with .ELF as file magic, but my decompiler (hopper for Linux) still doesn't want to load it intelligibly. I assume it needs a custom loader which probably only exist for ida or ghidra at this moment
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